Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Monday, the 22nd of October

The weather turned on us today.  We’d had a lovely string of a couple weeks of sunshine.  Today the fog settled in and didn’t move on all day.  Out my window I couldn’t see past the fence in the back yard. 

Stuck inside this would be a house cleaning day.  Getting all those things done I’ve been putting off.  Truth is, I have little to show for it.  I did mop the kitchen floor.  I know, you’re impressed, but I learned something today.  In Colorado when I mopped the kitchen floor the first area I mopped would be dry by the time I finished the last part.  Two hours after mopping the kitchen here it was still as wet as when I started.  I had to bring the area heater we have in the bedroom downstairs and set it in the middle of the kitchen to get the floor to dry.  We’re going to need some dehumidifiers around here.

Not a whole lot else got accomplished.  Greg came home and told me a friend is in town and will be coming home with him from work tomorrow for dinner.  Ah.  That’s what I need, some incentive… an actual reason to clean house.  Tomorrow.  

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