Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Jesse Tree

In a random conversation with our pastor's wife when we lived in Florida I heard about the idea of a Jesse Tree.  I didn't get specific details, only that the tree had 25 ornaments leading from Creation to Christmas and the idea was to put an ornament on the tree beginning December 1st through 25th.  I thought it was a great idea, and always looking for a homeschool project, I immediately went to work making a plan.  I didn't find out until many years later that there are specific stories on the Jesse Tree... but we made up our own and are happy with it. 

I picked up some sculpty clay and with the kids picked out twenty three more Bible stories between Creation and Christmas.  The kids created the ornaments... very rough, clearly made by five and seven year olds.  Of course that makes them all the more precious to me.  I picked up a small artificial tree from Michaels and we were all set.  We began on December 1st, either read from the Bible, or told from memory the story that the ornament represented and hung it on the tree.  Day after day, story after story all the way 'til Christmas.

We've done that every year now for thirteen years.  I'll admit, some years we don't do it well.  Especially that year Greg was recovering, I think we put on five ornaments at a time, but we've stuck with it.  I'm determined this year to make it every day.

On another note, still working on those Christmas cards, almost addressed and stamped.  And the yearly letter is coming along.  Todays Christmas movie was Home Alone 3.  I don't know why I think that's so funny, but I'll admit I do.  Much funnier than the previous Home Alone movies.  I'm enjoying the quiet start to the holidays so far, hope we can keep it.

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