Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My first thankfulness today I don't have a picture for
mostly because I was asleep.

Wonderful afternoon naps that just sneak up and grab you while reading on the couch by the fireplace.



Nice long walks with my pups.


Trying new recipes!

Today I made homemade scones for lunch
with loganberry ancho jam and whipped cream. 

Of course, 
scones for lunch + a long walk 
might just be the reason the nap caught me on the couch.  

But that's okay, it was worth it.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

God gifts

On days when I feel like crud 
I'm thankful that

Papa John's delivers

there is a stash of paper plates in the pantry

and a hot bubble bath with scented candles awaits at the end of the day.

Friday, February 24, 2012

God gifts

The gorgeous blue of the Colorado sky.

Access to an unlimited supply of them.
And that I can read them.

Just love maps.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

God gifts

I'm thankful for the cleanup.  
Maybe that sounds strange, 
but I find something satisfying about cleaning up after a big meal with friends.

I'm thankful for my aprons. 
I have several favorites and I love tying one on and making a mess with food.

I'm thankful for these old boots.
They are warm and cozy and even though they are very old, they're great for shoveling snow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God gifts

I'm going to continue my gifts list with the thought I ended on yesterday...  

'things' that remind me of people in my life I am thankful for and the heritage they passed on to me.

My grandmother gave me this quilt on my 25th anniversary.  

It had a note attached to it that said her mother had given it to her on her 25th anniversary along with the date of that anniversary.  

I stared at the note for a few minutes before it sank in exactly what it said.  

The date of my grandparents 25th anniversary was the DAY my husband was born.  

Wow.  Weird. 

But to me, this quilt represents generations of marriages, strong and loving that have passed before in my family, my parents, grandparents and great grandparents.  

An unusual and precious thing in this day and time. 

It's just an old wooden box.  
Actually it's a tool box.

It belonged to my great grandfather, 
Marion Francis, 
who lived off and on with us over the years as I was growing up.  

As a kid I just thought of him as an old man.  

Now I wish I could go back and have a good long conversation with him and ask him all the
 'what was it like?' questions.  

My memories are of him sitting in his old leather lazy boy reading from his warn Bible.  

I remember how he used to pronounce Isaiah "Isaiher".  

Miss him.

I named my daughter after him, Lydia Francis.

My dad had given me Grandpa's old tool box many years ago and I passed it to his namesake.  

She uses it to hold fat quarters for quilting.  

I think he would like that.

Quilting runs in my husband's family.  

The reason Lydia has boxes of fat quarters is because her Granny began teaching her to quilt when she was about nine years old.  
Today she is an amazing quilter. 

Her Granny, my mother in law, is a master quilter.  
I don't think she makes a quilt that doesn't win a blue ribbon.  

But this is not a blue ribbon quilt.  
It's a well loved quilt. 

 It was made by my husband's Granny, his mother's mother.  
The lady who started the quilting dynasty.  
(Well, I'm not sure that's true, it might go farther back than my knowledge.)

But the important thing here is, this is a loved quilt.  
Granny made it for my husband when he was a little boy.  
It has been well loved.  

I have to hide it from him when he isn't feeling well 
or he'll pull it out of it's special storage spot and use it.  
Which of course is just sweet. 

Granny was a wonderful person.  
She raised eleven children.  
Gave birth to twelve and lost one as a child.  
Her family are some of my favorite people in the world.  
Just good folks.  
She passed on a heritage that is rarely seen today.  

And I am so blessed and thankful that it continues through my children.  

Today, I am thankful for a full, strong and inspiring heritage.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

God gifts

Soft and cozy fibers, both spun and unspun...

my fireplace... even if it is gas, maybe especially because it's gas!

First, I love the texture, color and feel of this tea kettle as I pour tea from it.
Second, it makes an excellent cup of tea.
Third and maybe most important, 
it was a gift from a special friend and I think of her every time I use it.

I'm just getting started on a gratitude list.

I recently read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Vosdamp.
When writing about her journey to a life of gratitude she writes...
"But in this counting gifts, to one thousand, more, I discovered that slapping a sloppy brush of thanksgiving over everything in my life leaves me deeply thankful for very few things in my life."

I know so far I am only scratching the surface.
I look forward to seeing what is on my list days, weeks and months from now.

Just a little Lent ranting

I grew up in a small southern baptist church and never even heard of 
observing Lent as a child.

Over the years as we've moved around I've met more and more friends who do.

What confuses me is the talk.  
How often when a friend has 'given up' something for Lent they are so quick to tell about it.

If you are giving up something as a sacrifice to bring you closer to God doesn't it seem odd to announce it as often as you can to as many people as you can?

Isn't that a little like the guy in the synagogue praying just to be seen?  

Good for you, celebrate Lent, but don't tell me about it.

And don't get me started on giving up 
diet Coke and Ice Cream.  
Only in America is that a 'sacrifice'.
(insert eye roll)

Just my thoughts.

Monday, February 20, 2012

God gifts

The view I wake to in the morning...

Sleepy puppy snuggles...

Delicious and unusual flavors...